

单词 Sexual harassment
释义 性騷擾
A tort of making an unwelcome sexual advance or an unwelcome request for sexual favours, or engaging in other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which a reasonable person, taking into account all the circumstances would have considered offending, humiliating or intimidating: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 2(5)(a)(i),(ii). A person also sexually harasses a woman if that person, alone or together with other persons, engages in conduct of a sexual nature which creates a sexually hostile or intimidating work environment for her: s 2(5)(b). Any statutory provision framed with reference to sexual harassment of women is to be treated as applying equally to the treatment of men: s 2(8). The essence of sexual harassment is that the defendant’s conduct was undesirable or offensive and it was neither solicited nor incited by the plaintiff. Conduct of a sexual nature includes any direct or indirect, physical or verbal acts of harassment by any person to a man or woman: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.323]. In sexual harassment cases, damages are awarded for injury to feelings and like in defamation cases, punitive and exemplary damages may be awarded: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 76(3A); Yuen Sha Sha v Tse Chi Pan [1999] 1 HKC 731 (DC). See also Anti-discrimination legislation.

一種侵權罪行,即對一名女性提出不受歡迎的性要求,或提出不受歡迎的獲取性方面的好處的要求;或就一名女性作出其他不受歡迎並涉及性的行徑,而在有關情況下,一名合理的人在顧及所有情況後,應會預期該女性會感到受冒犯、侮辱或威嚇:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第2(5)(a)(i)及(ii)條。如一人自行或聯同其他人作出涉及性的行徑,而該行徑對該名女性做成一個在性方面有敵意或具威嚇性的工作環境,該人即屬對該女性作出性騷擾:第2(5)(b)條。凡任何有提述女性性騷擾的條文,須視為同樣地適用於男性所受的待遇:第2(8)條。性騷擾的要素在於被告的行為不受歡迎或令人厭惡,而且非由原告徵求或煽惑所致。涉及性的行為包括由任何人對男性或女性作出的任何直接或間接,身體上或口頭上的騷擾:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第25冊,侵權,第[380.323]段。在性騷擾案件,會就感情的傷害授予損害賠償,並如同誹謗案件,可授予懲罰性的損害賠償和懲戒性的損害賠償:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第76(3A)條; Yuen Sha Sha v Tse Chi Pan [1999] 1 HKC 731(地方法院)。 另見 Anti-discrimination legislation。  





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