

单词 Absolute assignment
释义 絕對轉讓
An assignment must be absolute in order to constitute a legal or statutory assignment of a debt or a chose in action: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 9. A conditional assignment or an assignment of part of a debt or by way of charge does not effect an absolute assignment. However, an assignment by way of mortgage in the ordinary form with a proviso for reassignment upon discharge of the secured sums is an absolute assignment: Durham Bros v Robertson [1898] 1 QB 765 (CA); Hughes v Pump House Hotel Co Ltd [1902] 2 KB 190 (CA). In each case, it is necessary to consider all the terms of the instrument as a whole in order to determine whether or not there is an intention to make an absolute assignment: Hughes v Pump House Hotel, supra. See also Assignment; Equitable assignment; Legal assignment.
任何債項或據法權產的轉讓必須是絕對的,方可構成法律上或成文法上的轉讓:《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)第9條。有條件轉讓或局部債項的轉讓或以押記形式轉讓並不等同絕對轉讓。不過,以一般按揭形式轉讓而訂明有抵押的借款清償後可以再轉讓是絕對轉讓:Durham Bros v Robertson [1898] 1 QB 765(英國上訴法院); Hughes v Pump House Hotel Co Ltd [1902] 2 KB 190(英國上訴法院)。需要視乎情況,顧及法律文據中條款的總體內容,斷定是否有意圖訂立絕對轉讓:Hughes v Pump House Hotel,見上文。另見 Assignment; Equitable assignment; Legal assignment。




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