

单词 Callover
释义 提訊
The procedure by which proceedings which have been placed in a list pursuant to rules of court or by direction are assessed to determine whether or not they are ready to be allocated a hearing date for the substantive issues. If the proceedings are ready to proceed before the court, either a hearing date will be allocated or it will be placed in a running list for hearing during a specified period. Proceedings which are not ready may be subject to further directions, transferred to a directions list, removed from the callover or struck out of the list with or without loss of priority. See also Adjournment; Directions hearing; List.
一個法庭程序, 由法官對按照法庭規則或指示列於排期審訊表中的法律程序進行評估,從而決定該法律程序是否已經準備妥當,可以編配聆訊日期來審理實質的爭議問題。若該法律程序已準備妥當可進行審理,案件會獲得編配聆訊日期,或列入不定期審訊表內,等候在指明的時段內可以審理。至於未準備妥當的法律程序,則會給予進一步指示,或將其轉移到需予以指示的案件聆訊表內,或將其從提訊表上刪除,又或將其自排期審訊表中剔除,不論會否損失優先權。另見 Adjournment; Directions hearing; List。




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