

单词 Restraint
释义 限制
A confinement or deprivation of liberty.
Maritime - law In marine insurance law, the act of preventing goods from being removed by laying hands upon them: Rodoconachi v Elliott (1874) LR 9 CP 518. It is a political or executive act, such as an embargo, and does not include the interference of goods, by way of taking possession, resulting from riots or ordinary judicial processes of law, such as arrest of vessel for contravention of regulations or pending resolution of a claim. Restraint is one of the war perils covered in the Institute War Clause. The war perils can be excluded by the insertion of the Free of Capture and Seizure Clause (FC & S Clause). In a Lloyd’s form of policy, ‘restraint’ is described as ‘arrest, restraints and detainments of all kings, princes, and people’. See also Embargo; Restraint of trade; Riot.
Mental Health - Prevention of the free movement of the body or limb by mechanical means to protect other persons in the case of violence. At common law a medical practitioner could not justify the taking charge of and confining an individual whom he had never seen merely upon statements made by relations, unless such statements satisfied him that his intervention was necessary to prevent the individual from doing immediate injury to himself or others: Anderdon v Burrows (1830) 4 C & P 210. Restraint of a person dangerous by reason of mental disorder is justifiable both at the moment of the original danger and also until there is reasonable ground for believing that the original danger is over: Scott v Wakem (1862) 3 F & F 328. The Secretary for Health and Welfare has the power by regulation to set the conditions and circumstances under which mechanical means of restraint or seclusion may be applied to patients: Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 72(1)(d). See also Mental health.
海事法 -   在海上保險法,阻止以插手移走貨品的行為:Rodoconachi v Elliott (1873) LR 8 CP 649。這是政治或行政的行事,例如禁運,但不包括干預貨品,以取得管有的方式進行(由暴亂或一般司法法律程序所導致,例如因違反規則或等候申索決議而拘留船舶)。限制是在協會戰爭條款覆蓋的戰爭危險。可載有扣押免責條款(FC & S 條款)免除戰爭危險。在勞合形式的保單,「限制」指「拘留、限制及扣押所有皇帝、皇子及人民」。另見 Embargo; Restraint of trade; Riot。
精神健康 -   以機械方式阻止人體或手足自由移動,以保障其他人免受暴力侵害。在普通法,除非醫生信納有關的陳述:他須干預以阻止個人作出對自己或他人的即時傷害,否則醫生不具充分理由僅就有關人士的親人的陳述,對他從未見過的人負責及限制: Anderdon v Burrows (1830) 4 C & P 210。在原來危險的時刻及直至有合理理由相信原本的危險已完畢時,以精神紊亂為理由限制危險的人屬合理(Scott v Wakem (1862) 3 F & F 328)。衛生福利局長有權訂立規例,以規定以可以使用機械方法將病人束縛或隔離的條件及情況:《精神健康條例》(第136章) 第 72(1)(d)條。另見 Mental health。n.




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