

单词 Overtaking
释义 追越/超越
1. Catching up with and passing something else which itself is usually, but not necessarily, in motion. Rules for overtaking in the maritime context are set up in the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972. Any vessel overtaking any other, both vessels being in sight of one another, must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken: Collision Regulations 1972 rr 11, 13(a). A vessel is deemed to be overtaking when coming up to another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam, that is, in such a position with reference to the vessel she is overtaking that at night she would be able to see only the sternlight of that vessel but neither of her sidelights: Collision Regulations 1972 r 13(b). 2. In the context of civil aviation, a vehicle, when overtaking, must overtake another vehicle so that the other vehicle is on the left of the overtaking vehicle, and must keep to the left when passing another vehicle which is approaching head-on or approximately so: The Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (Cap 448C) sch 14 ‘Rules of the Air’ r 33(5). See also Collision; Traffic regulations.
1. 追上或超越某通常但不一定是正在移動的東西。有關海事情況的追越規由1972年《國際海上避碰規則公約》訂定。在船隻互見的情形下,任何船隻在追越任何他船時,須給被追越船讓路:《1972年避碰規則》第11、13(a)條規則。一船正從他船正橫後大於22.5度的某一方向(即其相對於被追越船的位置使其在夜間只能看到該船的尾燈,但看不到該船任何一盞舷燈)趕上他船時,須當作在追越:《避碰規則》第13(b)條規則。2. 在民事航空方面,飛行器在作出追越時,該追越必須使另一飛行器在作出追越者的左邊,在經過對遇或近似對遇的飛行器時,作出追越的飛行器仍必須維持在左邊:《航空導航規例》(第448C章)附表14「「航空規則」第33(5)條。另見 Collision; Traffic regulations。




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