

单词 Indorsement of service
释义 送達的批註
A statement by a solicitor accepting service of the writ on behalf of the defendant. The defendant’s solicitor should indorse on the writ or other originating document a statement that he accepts service on behalf of the defendant and the writ shall be deemed to have been duly served on that defendant and to have been so served on the date on which the indorsement was made: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 10 r 1(4). Acceptance of service by a solicitor in Hong Kong is effective even where the defendant is outside the jurisdiction: O 10 r 1; Manta Line Inc v Seraphim Sofianites & Midland Bank plc [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 14 (CA).
律師代表被告人接受令狀的送達的陳述。凡被告人的律師在令狀或其他原訴文件上註明一項陳述,表明他代被告人接受令狀的送達,令狀須當作已妥為送達被告人並已在作出註明的日期送達:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第10號命令第1(4)條規則。即使被告人正在香港司法管轄範圍外,仍可由其身處香港的律師代表接受送達:第10號命令第1條規則;Manta Line Inc v Seraphim Sofianites & Midland Bank plc [1984] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 14(英國上訴法院)。




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