

单词 Consent to a prosecution
释义 須同意方可進行的檢控
Certain prosecutions may not be instituted or pursued without the sanction of the Secretary of Justice or the Chief Executive or both, depending on the wording of the legislation. Proceedings instituted without any necessary consent will be a nullity. The court had no alternative but to quash the conviction on the ground that the trial was a complete nullity: R v Angel [1968] 2 All ER 607, 52 Cr App Rep 280; R v Ng Kit Yuen [1993] 2 HKC 364. See also Incest; Treason.
一些必須有律政司司長或政務司司長的同意又或這兩位司長的同意(視乎法例的用詞而定)方可進行的檢控。對於已著手進行的法律程序,如果沒有這種所必需的同意,都是無效的。法庭只可基於審訊是完全無效的而將定罪判決撤銷,別無其他辦法可以選擇: 參看案例 R v Angel [1968] 2 All ER 607, 52 Cr App Rep 280; R v Ng Kit Yuen [1993] 2 HKC 364。另見 Incest; Treason。




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