

单词 Consequential loss
释义 相應而生的損失
1. Loss suffered as a consequent of the commission of a tort. These include loss of use, loss of profits and interest, loss of services of relatives, expenses incurred as a result of the tort, which are generally recoverable provided it is not too remote and provided that the plaintiff absolved his or her duty to mitigate the loss. 2. Loss which does not result directly and naturally from the breach of the contract complained of: Croudace Construction Ltd v Cawoods Concrete Products Ltd [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 55, 8 BLR 20 (CA). See also Consequential loss insurance, Damage, Mitigation, Remoteness.
1. 犯侵權行為而蒙受的損失(包括使用上的損失、利潤及相關利息的損失、親屬提供服務的損失和因該侵權行為而招致的支出),如時間非太久遠與及原告人免除其減少損失的責任,一般可被追討。  2. 並非由於違反被申訴的合約而直接地或自然地引致的損失:Croudace Construction Ltd v Cawoods Concrete Products Ltd [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 55, 8 BLR 20(英國上訴法院)。另見Consequential loss insurance, Damage, Mitigation, Remoteness。




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