

单词 Connecting factor
释义 聯繫因素
A localising element serving to determine the choice of law in a particular situation. Connecting factors are used to liked factual situations to the appropriate legal system. For example, in determining the governing law of a contract, the court will consider factors like the place of contracting and the place of performance. Generally, the connecting factor is determined by the lex fori (law of forum). See also Choice of law; Classification; Conflict of laws.
個別情況下用以就選擇法律而作裁定的局部因素,把適用的司法制度及相應的事實情況連結起來,例如法院會考慮合約的簽署地和履行地去裁定該合約的管治法律。一般而言,聯繫因素是由訴訟地的法律裁定。另見 Choice of law; Classification; Conflict of laws。




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