

单词 Consent of the owner
释义 擁有人同意
The permission of the person with lawful title to property to the action taken by another in respect of that property. If a person appropriates property with the consent of the owner, he is not committing theft. A person who appropriates property, believing that he would have the owner’s consent, is not committing theft: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 3(1)(b). Therefore, consent of the owner amounts to a complete defence to the various offences in the ordinance. See also Larceny; Theft; Trespass.
合法擁有財產的人准許他人對財產采取行動。該人如得到擁有人同意挪佔財產則不屬盜竊。挪佔財產而相信擁有人應會同意不屬盜竊:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第3(1) (b)條。因此,擁有人的同意構成該條例所訂多項罪行的十足辯護理由。另見 Larceny; Theft; Trespass。




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