

单词 Consanguinity
释义 血親關係
Relation by blood or by birth. For the purpose of the law relating to marriage, an adopter and the person whom he has been authorised to adopt under an adoption order shall be deemed to be within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 13(3). Prior to 1 July 1972, if the parties to a marriage where within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity, the marriage was void: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 20 (repealed but continues to have effect in relation to marriages which took place before 1 July 1972: Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) (No 2) Ordinance (No 33 of 1972)). The new s 20 states that marriages after 30 June 1972 shall be void on various grounds including if the parties to the marriage are within the prohibited degrees of kindred or affinity. See also Prohibited relationship.
血親關係或親生關係。就關於婚姻的法律而言,領養人或根據領養令獲授權作出領養的人,均須當作為屬於在親等限制以內的血親關係:《領養條例》(第290章)第13(3)條。在1972年7月1日之前,婚姻雙方的血親關係是在親等限制以內的,婚姻即屬無效:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第20條(已廢除);但對於在1972年之前締結的婚姻,第20條仍繼續生效:《婚姻訴訟(修訂)(第2號)條例》(1972年第33號))。新制定的第20條說明,凡屬在1972年6月30日之後締結的婚姻,該婚姻僅能基於幾種理由中的一種而無效,其中一個理由是,如果婚姻雙方的血親或姻親關係是在親等限制以內的。另見 Prohibited relationship。n.




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