

单词 Indicia of title
释义 業權標誌
1. Evidence of a property interest. For property under the existing Land Registration in Hong Kong, usually the title deeds of the property are sufficient indicia of title for an incoming mortgagee. Examples are receipt of the rents and profits of the property, and the discharge of its burden and repairs: Hunt v Luck [1902] 1 Ch 428 (CA). 2. In relation to document of the title of shares, an instrument of transfer of shares signed in blank by a person in favour of another : Wang King Shih v Hung Ling Ling Eva [2001] 2 HKC 471 (CFI). See also Mortgagee; Land registration.
1. 財產權益的證據。就在香港現行土地註冊制度下的土地而言,財產的所有權契據通常可作為新任承按人的充分業權標誌,例如收取租金及財產的利潤、履行其負擔及修葺責任:Hunt v Luck [1902] 1 Ch 428(英國上訴法院)。  2. 就載有股票股權的文件而言,指轉移股票的文書,某人為使另一人受惠而在此等空白的文書上簽署:Wang King Shih v Hung Ling Ling Eva [2001] 2 HKC 471(高等法院原訴庭)。另見 Mortgagee; Land registration。




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