

单词 Time immemorial
释义 不可追憶的時間/自古以來

A term used generally to refer to the existence of a practice or right from beyond living memory. For example, Hong Kong has been part of China since time immemorial. The year 1189 has been fixed as the limit of legal memory: Bryant v Foot (1867) LR 2 QB 161. There is no question that prescription by user since time immemorial can ever apply to lands in Hong Kong in view of the history of the territory: Tang Tim Fat v Chan Fok Kei [1993] 2 HKLR 373. The doctrine of prescription since time immemorial would seem to have little practical application in Hong Kong: Kong Sau Ching v Kong Pak Yan & Ors [2004] 1 HKC 119. See also Legal memory; Prescription.
一般用以指不可追憶的現存慣例或權利。例如香港自古以來已是中國的一部份。1189年已被定為法律上可追憶的期限:Bryant v Foot (1867) LR 2 QB 161。鑒於香港的歷史背景,及事實上英國的規則僅在少於100年前開展,時效歸益權的使用人自古以來不可在香港的土地引用時效歸益權:Tang Tim Fat v Chan Fok Kei [1993] 2 HKLR 373。時效歸益權的原則自古以來看來在香港基本上沒有被實際引用:Kong Sau Ching v Kong Pak Yan & Ors [2004] 1 HKC 119。另見 Legal memory; Prescription。





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