

单词 Specific legacy
释义 特定遺贈
A gift of a specific item of the testator’s estate which is clearly distinguishable as a particular and severable asset. A specific legacy must be of some thing or of some interest, legal or equitable (Re Sherman, Trevenen v Pearce [1954] Ch 653, 1 All ER 893), forming part of the testator’s estate; it must be a part as distinguished from the whole of his personal property or from the whole of the general residue of his personal estate; it must be identified by a sufficient description, and separated in favour of the particular legatee from the general mass of the testator’s personal estate (Re Rose, Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose [1949] Ch 78, [1948] 2 All ER 971). Specific legacies are subject to ademption and are payable in priority to general legacies: Re Borne [1944] Ch 190. The forgiveness of a debt by will is a specific legacy of the debt: Re Wedmore, Wedmore v Wedmore [1907] 2 Ch 277. See also Ademption; General legacy; Residuary legacy; Specific devise.
立遺囑人遺產的指定項目的饋贈,屬於可清晰區別的特定而可劃分的資產。特定遺贈須是若干法律或衡平法上的物件或權益(Re Sherman, Trevenen v Pearce [1954] Ch 653, 1 All ER 893) ,並形成立遺囑人遺產的一部分;特定遺贈須是他/她個人財產的一部分,而有別於個人財產的整體或他/她個人遺產的一般剩餘部分的整體;須憑藉充足的描述辨識有關的特定遺贈,及從立遺囑人個人遺產的一般財產在有利於個別受遺贈人的情況下分開 (Re Rose, Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose [1949] Ch 78, [1948] 2 All ER 971)。特定遺贈受制於遺贈的廢除,及須優先於一般遺贈予以支付:Re Borne [1944] Ch 190。憑藉遺囑免除債務是債務的特定遺贈:Re Wedmore, Wedmore v Wedmore [1907] 2 Ch 277。另見 Ademption; General legacy; Residuary legacy; Specific devise。




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