

单词 Royal Instructions
释义 皇室訓令
Part of the constitution of the laws of Hong Kong before 1 July 1997, which prescribed how the Executive Council was constituted: ex officio members and appointed members. The Governor was to communicate instructions to the Executive Council. The Royal Instructions also prescribed the election of members of the Legislative Council, the validity of proceedings, and the quorum was 20 members. The Royal Instructions specified the rules and regulations under which Ordinances were to be enacted, and set out a list of Bills that the Governor should not assent to, unless he had previously obtained instructions, or the Bill contained a clause suspending the operation until the signification of their pleasure, or it was a matter of urgency. The Royal Instructions allowed for private bills intended to affect or benefit some particular person, association or corporate body, after having followed the procedures described. The Governor may at any time by order published in the Gazette, dissolve the Legislative Council. See also Letters Patent; Governor.
1997年7月1日之前香港憲法的一部份,其中訂明行政局組成的方法:即包括當然委員及委任成員。港督會向行政局傳達指令。皇室訓令亦訂明立法局議員的選舉、程序的有效性,而法定人數是20名。皇室訓令訂明制定條例的規則及規例,並列明港督不應同意的草案,但倘若他以前經已取得指令,或如有關的草案載有撤銷運作直至意願得以確定為止的條款,或有關草案屬緊急事宜,則屬例外。在已按照述明的步驟後,皇室訓令容許意欲影響或使若干人、組織或法人團體受益的私人法案通過。港督可在任何時間憑藉於憲報發表的命令解散立法局。另見 Letters Patent; Governor。




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