

单词 Adjournment
释义 押後/延期
The deferring or postponement of a hearing by the court to a future day or sine die. The court has an inherent power to adjourn the hearing of a matter in order to do justice to the parties: Hinckley and South Leicestershire Permanent Benefit Building Society v Freeman [1941] Ch 32. The power to order an adjournment can also be found in statutes: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 20; The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 35 r 3; Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 23(4). An adjournment may be refused where it would result in prejudicial delay and unwarranted loss of judicial time: Wellfit Investments Ltd v Poly Commence Ltd [1995] 3 HKC 56 (CA). The grant of an adjournment is a judicial decision which may be reviewed on appeal, but as it is a matter of discretion the appellate court will be slow to interfere, and should do so only where it is manifest that the discretion has been exercised unreasonably, or where the order will result in injustice: Maxwell v Keun & Ors [1928] 1 KB 645 (CA); A-G v Ip Chong Kwan & Ors [1979] HKLR 141 (CA). See also Sine die; Trial.
法庭將聆訊延遲或押後至將來某個日期或無限期延遲或押後。為對訴訟各方秉行公正,法庭享有固有權力押後某一事項的聆訊:Hinckley and South Leicestershire Permanent Benefit Building Society v Freeman [1941] Ch 32。法規亦賦予法庭下令押後聆訊的權力:《裁判官條例》(第227章) 第20條;《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第35號命令第3條規則;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第23(4)條。在可能導致不公平的延誤及不合理地損耗法庭時間的情況下,法庭可以拒絕押後:Wellfit Investments Ltd v Poly Commence Ltd [1994] 3 HKC 56(上訴法院)。批准押後是一項司法決定,對此可提上訴,但因為這涉及上訴法院的酌情決定權,法院不輕易會干預,僅在該酌情決定權明顯行使得不合理,或該命令會造成不公平的情況下,法院則會干預:Maxwell v Keun [1928] 1 KB 645(英國上訴法院);A-G v Ip Chong Kwan & Ors [1979] HKLR 141(上訴法院)。另見 Sine die; Trial。n.




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