

单词 Ademption
释义 剝奪
Lat – ademptio – a taking away; revocation.
Equity - 1.The implied revocation, in whole or part, of a gift made by will, by a subsequent act of the testator. For example, where a testator has made a devise or bequest of specific property which the testator then sells prior to death, the bequest is said to be ‘adeemed’. 2. The equitable doctrine against double portions. Where a parent or person in loco parentis (in the place of a parent) makes a will or provides for a legacy to be given to the children, and subsequently provides for a portion to one of them, equity presumes that the parent did not intend to distribute the proportion laid down in the will and ‘adeems’ (or revokes) the legacy to the extent of the inter vivos gift: Lake v Quinton [1973] 1 NSWLR 111. 3. The doctrine by which equity presumes that if a testator leaves a legacy for a particular purpose and then makes a gift for the same purpose, the legacy is ‘adeemed’ (or revoked), even though the testator does not stand in loco parentis (in the place of a parent) to the legatee: Roome v Roome (1744) 3 Atk 181. See also Equity; Legacy.
Insurance - A concept found in English common law (as distinct from Scottish, Continental Europe and US law), which states that unless there is a provision to the contrary in the contract of insurance, where the subject matter insured has suffered a constructive total loss and abandonment has been notified to the insurer, the assured, as the result of ademption, can only recover partial loss if before the action is brought, the subject matter is restored in such circumstances that might reasonably be expected to amount to possession of it: Hamilton v Mendes (1761) 2 Burr 1198. Hence, constructive total loss with notice of abandonment irrevocably fixes the parties’ rights at that time and the assured’s rights to recover the total loss is in no way affected by subsequent events. A total loss is said to be adeemed if the loss did not continue to be total at the commencement of the action: Shepherd v Henderson (1881) 7 App Cas 49 (HL). By statute, an assured may elect to treat constructive total loss as a partial loss, or abandon the subject matter insured to the insurer as if it were an actual total loss: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 61. See also Abandonment; Constructive total loss; Marine insurance policy; Partial loss; Total loss.
Succession - In succession law, ademption occurs when a testamentary gift is wholly or partly extinguished by a subsequent gift or disposition made by the testator during the testator’s lifetime: Lord Chichester v Coventry (1867) LR 2 HL 71 (HL). A specific devise of real property will be adeemed if the testator subsequently sells it: Arnald v Arnald (1784) 1 Bro CC 401, 28 ER 1203. The doctrine may also apply when various subsequent events result in the testamentary gift ceasing to conform to the description by which it is given: Durrant v Friend (1852) 5 De G & Sm 343. An Act of Parliament, for example, may effect such a change: Re Slater, Slater v Slater [1907] 1 Ch 665 (CA). Whether or not the subject property exists as substantially the same thing at the time of death of the testator is a question of fact; hence, if the property remains essentially the same, although in a different form, it may not necessarily adeem: Re Pilkington’s Trust (1856) 6 New Rep 246. As a general principle and where there is doubt as to whether or not ademption should occur, the courts will prefer to treat the bequest in terms of a general, rather than specific, legacy, the former thereby avoiding ademption: Re Rose (dec’d), Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose & Ors [1948] 2 All ER 971, [1949] Ch 78. See also Abatement of legacies; General legacy; Specific legacy.
拉丁語 – ademptio - 剝奪;取消。
衡平法 -   1.立遺囑人藉其後的行為,對遺囑餽贈作出完全或部分的隱含撤銷。舉例說,立遺囑人在生時作出某特定財產的遺贈,然後在去世前將遺贈的產業出售,該遺贈則會稱為被「取消」。 2.衡平法原則反對雙重的財產分與。當一名父母或身居父母地位的人立遺囑或規定將遺贈給與其子女,而之後將遺贈一部分給與其中一個子女,衡平法則會假設該名父母並沒有意圖根據遺囑規定分與份額,及會「取消」(或撤銷)在世時作出的遺贈:Lake v Quinton [1973] 1 NSWLR 111。 3.衡平法假設的原則:當立遺囑人為某一目的而作出遺贈,然後為同一目的作出餽贈,該遺贈則被「取消」(或撤銷),縱使對受遺贈人而言,該立遺囑人並不是身居父母地位的人:Roome v Roome (1744) 3 Atk 181。另見 Equity; Legacy。
保險 - 一個英國不成文法的概念(有別於蘇格蘭、歐洲及美國法律),指出除非在保險合約內有相反的規定,否則當受保事物遭受推定全損,及當投保人通知承保人對事物的棄置,僅在未採取任何法律行動前,及該受保事物還原至可合理期望達到被管有的情況,受保人方可因受保事物被取消而索償部分損失:Hamilton v Mendes (1761) 2 Burr 1198。因此,在棄置的事先通知下的推定全損,會不得撤回地奠定當時雙方的權利,受保人追討賠償的權利決不受日後發生的事情影響。若某全損在法律行動開始後已不再屬全損,則該全損可被視為已被取消:Shepherd v Henderson (1881) 7 App Cas 49(上議院)。在法規下,受保人可將損失作為部分損失處理,或將受保標的物委付予保險人,並猶如損失是實際全損一樣處理:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第61條。另見 Abandonment; Constructive total loss; Marine insurance policy; Partial loss; Total loss。
繼承法 - 於遺產繼承法上,當遺囑遺贈被其後立遺囑人在世時作出的餽贈或產權處置完全地或部分地終絕,則該遺囑遺贈會被取消: Lord Chichester v Coventry (1867) LR 2 HL 71(上議院)。假如立遺囑下其後出售某特定的不動產餽贈,該餽贈將會被取消:Arnald v Arnald (1784) 1 Bro CC 401, 28 ER 1203。當其後發生的多項事情導致遺囑遺贈不再符合給予該遺贈時所據根的形式,則亦可引用該原則:Durrant v Friend (1852) 5 De G & Sm 343。舉例說,一個國會法案可帶來該等轉變:Re Slater, Slater v Slater [1907] 1 Ch 665(英國上訴法院)。財產在立遺囑人去世時實質上是否一樣,是事實的問題。因此,若該財產基本上仍然是一樣,雖然形式不同,但亦不一定會被取消:Re Pilkington’s Trust (1856) 6 New Rep 246。作為一般準則,及凡對是否應取消存有疑問,法庭會選擇將該餽贈作為一般遺贈處理,而非特定餽贈,前者則因此而可避免取消: Re Rose (dec’d), Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co Ltd v Rose & Ors [1948] 2 All ER 971, [1949] Ch 78。另見 Abatement of legacies; General legacy; Specific legacy。n.




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