

单词 Island
释义 島嶼
A naturally formed area of land, as opposed to an artificial island, which is above water at high tide: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 10(1); Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone 1958 art 121(1). An island can serve as the baseline for all maritime zones though not the exclusive economic zone or continental shelf if it is unable to sustain human habitation or economic life: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 arts 121(2), 121(3). Previously, an island could be used to draw a baseline for the territorial sea and by implication and state practice a contiguous zone and twelve-mile fishing zone: Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone 1958 arts 10(2), 24(2). See also Baseline; Territorial sea.
高潮時高於水面的自然形成的陸地區域,不同於人工島嶼:1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》第121(1)條;1958年《日內瓦領海和毗連區公約》第10(1)條。島嶼可以作為所有海域的基線,如其不能維持人類居住或其本身的經濟生活,則不能擁有自己的大陸架和專屬經濟區:1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》第121(2)條及第121(3)條。此前,島嶼可以作為劃定領海的基線,根據推論和國家實踐,還可以作為劃定毗連區和12海裏漁區的基線:1958年《日內瓦領海和毗連區公約》第10(2)條及第24(2)條。另見 Baseline; Territorial sea。n.




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