

单词 Conditional indorsement
释义 付條件背書
An indorsement on the face of a negotiable instrument, that is purportedly subject to the fulfillment of a condition. Where an instrument purports to be indorsed conditionally, the condition may be disregarded by the payer, and payment to the indorsee is valid whether the condition has been fulfilled or not: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 33. See also Bill of exchange; Indorsee; Indorsement; Negotiable instrument.
為了促進條件的履行而在流通的票據上背書。倘匯票表示為有條件背書者,則付款人可不受該條件之限制;無論該條件已履行與否,付款予被背書人之舉仍屬有效:《票據條例》(第19章)第33條。另見 Bill of exchange; Indorsee; Indorsement; Negotiable instrument。




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