

单词 Possession
释义 管有
OF – possesser Lat – possidere – to sit on. 1. Effective physical or manual control or occupation. Also known as ‘de facto possession’ or ‘detention’. 2. Custody or control protected by law. A person may legally possess goods even if he or she is not the true owner and even if he or she does not have the goods in his or her physical control. Possession may be ‘actual’ or ‘constructive’. Also know as ‘legal possession’. See also Actual possession; Chattel; Constructive possession; Conversion; Delivery; Detinue; Ownership; Property; Trespass to chattels.
Criminal law - Physical possession; actual custody or control: Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134) s 2(2); Weapons Ordinance (Cap 217) s 2; R v Leung Kam Tong [1994] 2 HKC 383 (CA). The prosecution must prove knowledge on the part of the accused: R v Cheung Kwok Kuen (CACC 51/96, unreported); R v Law Wai Choi [1997] HKLRD 555 (CA). However, knowledge alone is not the same as possession because it is perfectly possible to have knowledge of a substance without being in possession of it: R v Chan Chor Yam (CACC 225/86, unreported); Tam Siu Kee & Ors v R (CACC 633/69, unreported). Possession need not be exclusive possession and includes joint possession: Fong Yuk Lin v R [1963] HKLR 282 (FC); Lee Kei Yick v R [1978] HKLR 510 (CA). See also Actual possession; Constructive possession; Control; De facto possession.
Real property - In its narrowest meaning denotes possession for a chattel interest. Thus, as between the freeholder and the lessee, the freeholder is seised and the lessee possessed of the land. The possession of the lessee supports the seisin of the lessor: Bushby v Dixon (1824) 3 B & C 298. In the wider sense, possession denotes occupation under any title, whether freehold or leasehold, or even without title, and it may include receipt of rent: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0064]. Possession also includes intention to possess the relevant property as a mental element. The interest of a person in possession of property is recognised as a proprietary right, defeatable only by a person showing better title, which may be documentary title or title derived from prior possession. See also Documentary title; Property.
Sale of goods - A person is deemed to be in possession of goods or of the documents of title to goods, where the goods or documents are in his actual custody or are held by any other person subject to his control, or for him, or on his behalf: Factors Ordinance (Cap 48) s 2. See also Constructive delivery; Delivery; Sale of goods; Seller in possession after sale.
舊法文 – possesser 拉丁語 – possidere – 坐在…上。1. 有效的實際或人手控制或佔據。亦稱為「事實上的管有」或「置留」。2. 法律所保護的保管或控制。就算某人並不是真正的貨物擁有人,及就算他或她對貨物並沒有實際的控制,該人可能在法律上管有貨物。管有可能是「實際的」或是「構定的」。亦稱為「法律上的管有」。另見 Actual possession; Chattel; Constructive possession; Conversion; Delivery; Detinue; Ownership; Property; Trespass to chattels.
刑法 - 實質管有;實際保管或控制:《危險藥物條例 》(第134章)第2(2)條《武器條例》(第217章)第2條;R v Leung Kam Tong [1994] 2 HKC 383 (上訴法院)。控方必須證明被控人對管有是知悉的:R v Cheung Kwok Kuen(刑事上訴1996年第51號,未經彙報);R v Law Wai Choi [1997] HKLRD 555 (上訴法院)。然而,僅僅知悉並非就是管有,因為知悉某物質但對它並沒有管有是完全有可能的:R v Chan Chor Yam(刑事上訴1996年第225號,未經彙報);R v Tam Siu Kee(刑事上訴1996年第633號,未經彙報)。管有不需要是獨有管有,它亦包括共同管有:Fong Yuk Lin v R [1963] HKLR 282(全體法院); Lee Kei Yick v R [1978] HKLR 510 (上訴法院)。另見 Actual possession; Constructive possession; Control; De facto possession。
不動產 -   此詞的最狹窄定義是表示對實產權益的管有。因此,在永久業權持有人及承租人之間,永久業權持有人佔有而承租人則管有土地。承租人對土地的管有支持出租人就土地的佔有:Bushby v Dixon (1824) 3 B & C 298。廣義上來說,管有表示根據任何業權,不論是永久業權或租賃權,或就算是沒有業權,的佔有,它可以包括收取租金:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0064]段。管有亦包括計劃管有有關財產的精神元素。管有財產人士的權益被接受為一項所有權權利,只有持有更好業權人士可推翻,其業權可能來自文件業權或派生自先前管有的。另見 Documentary title; Property。
售賣貨品 -   凡任何貨品或貨品所有權文件是由某人實際保管,或是在該人的控制下由他人持有,或是由他人為該人或代該人持有,則須將該人當作管有該等貨品或管有該等貨品所有權文件:《代理商條例》(第48章)第2條 。另見 Constructive delivery; Delivery; Sale of goods; Seller in possession after sale。n.




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