

单词 Official administrator
释义 遺產管理官

The body in which property of a deceased estate may vest during the gap between the date of death and the issue of the grant of representation on a full or limited basis according to the jurisdiction. The office of Official Administrator is held ex officio by the Registrar of the court and any deputy or assistant registrar of the court: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 9(1). The office of Official Administrator in Hong Kong has some analogy to the office of Public Trustee in England but the powers of the latter are considerably wider: Yau Lam (an infant) v Yeung Wai Hong (dec’d) [1964] HKLR 157. It functions are various, and include (1) to be the vesting body for intestate estates in Hong Kong until administration is granted; (2) to take interim possession of movable property in Hong Kong of deceased foreign nationals and provide for the safe custody of it until probate of the deceased’s will or a grant of administration has been made; and (3) to exercise summary administration of estates not exceeding HK$150,000 in value, without any legal formality, for the benefit of the persons he may deem interested in the estate: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) ss 10, 12, 15. See also Executor; Personal legal representative; Trustee corporation; Vest.
死者的遺產在死者去世日期、及根據有關司法管轄權以全部或有限的基礎發出授予承辦日期之間可歸屬予的機構。司法常務官以及任何法庭副司法常務官、或助理司法常務官是當然官守遺產管理官:《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章) 第9(1)條。 香港的遺產管理官辦事處與芵國的公共受託人辦事處類似,但後者有較廣泛的權力:Yau Lam (an infant) v Yeung Wai Hong (已去世) [1964] HKLR 157。 遺產管理官有不同的功能,其中包括 (1) 在香港作為無遺囑者遺產的歸屬機構,直至就該遺產的管理作出授予為止;(2) 遺產管理官可暫時接管在香港境內可找到的死者動產,並安排予以安全保管,直至法院就該死者的遺囑而授予遺囑認證或就其遺產而授予遺產管理為止;以及(3) 遺產管理官可在無任何法律手續的情況下,以簡易方式管理全部總值不超逾$150,000的遺產,為了他認為是與該宗遺產有利害關係的人的利益:《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章) 第10、12及15條。另見 Executor; Personal legal representative; Trustee corporation; Vest。





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