

单词 Dangerous in itself
释义 本身危險
A thing, chattel or product which is inherently dangerous, in that the essential nature of the thing creates a risk of harm. A manufacturer or distributor of a product dangerous in itself owes a duty of care to anyone who may be injured as a result of using that product. The distinction between a thing inherently and potentially dangerous has been rejected: Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 564. Also known as ‘dangerous per se’. See also Dangerous goods; Offensive Weapon; Standard of care.
固有危險物件、實產或產品,該東西的基本性質產生傷害的危險。本身有危險的產品的製造人或分發人,對因使用該產品而可能蒙受傷害的人負有謹慎的責任。法院拒絕區分本身危險與潛在危險:Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 564。另稱「本質上危險」。另見 Dangerous goods; Offensive Weapon; Standard of care。




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