

单词 Easement by express grant
释义 藉明示授予的地役權
An easement created by a grant contained in an instrument executed by the owners for the time being of the dominant and servient tenements. The grant of an easement for a legal estate must be by deed. It is unnecessary for the use of the word ‘grant’ or any particular word to expressly create an easement, so long as the words can clearly show the intention to create an easement grantable at law: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (2001 Reissue) Vol 16, Land [230.0530]. See also Dominant tenement; Easement; Easement by express reservation; Easement by implied grant; Express easement; Reservation of easement; Servient tenement.
由載於某文書的授予  訂立的地役權(由需役地和供役地當時的擁有人簽立)。必須憑藉契據授予法律產業權的地役權。只要有關的文字可清晰顯示有訂立在法律上可授予的地役權的意圖,則無需使用「授予」或任何明訂地役權的特別字眼:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong (2001年再發行) 第16冊,土地,第[230.0530]段。另見 Dominant tenement; Easement; Easement by express reservation; Easement by implied grant; Express easement; Reservation of easement; Servient tenement。




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