

单词 Damages for loss of profits
释义 損失利潤的損害賠償
1. The pecuniary compensation for the sum that would have been earned had the breach not occurred. In the law of contract, a claim for loss of profit is an alternative to a claim for loss of expenses: Holiday Products (HK) Ltd v Polyproducts Industrial Co [1973-1976] 1 HKC 177, [1974] HKLR 455 (CA). Damages for loss of profits up to the date of the action are special damages which are required to be pleaded specifically: Re Simms [1934] 1 Ch 1; Holiday Products (HK) v Polyproducts Industrial Co, supra. The claim for loss of profits is not a liquidated claim and must be assessed by the court: Alco International Ltd v Akai Electronic Co Ltd [2000] 3 HKC 724. The damages can only be granted upon the footing that the capital expenditure has been incurred: Wah Sun Hong Ltd v Lee Tim (t/a Tat Shing Co) [1980] 1 HKC 596 (HC). 2. In relation to infringement of trade mark, a registered proprietor may claim damages including damages for loss of profits resulting from the infringement and any loss of goodwill caused by the infringer’s conducts of selling inferior quality goods: YKK v Chan HKC No 4909 of 1992. 3. In a claim for trespass to goods the claimant may, subject to the appropriate rules of remoteness, recover damages for loss of profits: Page v Rattcliff (1832) 1 LJCP 57. See also Remedy; Damages.
1. 按照如沒有違約便可賺取的款項而判給的金錢補償。在合約法上,損失利潤之損害賠償申索,是開支損失損害賠償申索的另一選擇:Holiday Products (HK) Ltd v Polyproducts Industrial Co [1973-1976] 1 HKC 177, [1974] HKLR 455 (上訴法庭)。截止訴訟日期的損失利潤之損害賠償是需要特別作訴的專項損害賠償:Re Simms [1934] 1 Ch 1;Holiday Products (HK) v Polyproducts Industrial Co, 見上文。損失利潤之損害賠償申索,並非已算定的申索,必須由法院作出評估:Alco International Ltd v Akai Electronic Co Ltd [2000] 3 HKC 724。法院只可基於已招致的資本開支(非經常開支)授予損害賠償:Wah Sun Hong Ltd v Lee Tim (t/a Tat Shing Co) [1980] 1 HKC 596 (高等法院)。  2. 在與商標侵權有關的情況下,註冊所有人可就下列情況提出損害賠償的申索:因侵權導致損失利潤,及因侵權者售賣劣質的貨品而導致商譽受損:YKK v Chan HKC No 4909 of 1992。3. 在侵物行為的申索中,申索人在符合適當的損失可預見程度的原則下,可追討損失利潤之損害賠償:Page v Rattcliff (1832) 1 LJCP 57。另見 Remedy; Damages。




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