

单词 Re-execution of a deed
释义 重新簽立契據
Execution of a deed, involving signing, sealing and delivery in accordance with the formal requirements of the jurisdiction, in circumstances where the original purported execution was ineffective. Where a deed is voidable, as opposed to void ab initio (from its inception), the re-execution of the deed in the absence of the previous constraint, creates a valid and binding deed. There can be no republication without re-execution: Barnes v Crowe (1792) 1 Ves 486. Re-execution alone can validate a deed made during incapacity: Willock v Noble (1875) LR 7 HL 580. The fact of re-execution shows that the testator intends to revive the deed which has been revoked previously: Re Perry (dec’d), Perry and Ezra v Perry and Anglo Jewish Assn (1930) 24 HKLR 22. See also Ab initio; Deed; Execution; Sealing; Void.
在原來宣稱的簽立無效的情形下,根據該司法管轄區的正式規定作出包括簽署、蓋上印章及交付的契據簽立。凡契據屬可使無效,而非屬由最初開始即屬無效者,在沒有過去的約束下重新簽立契據,可產生有效及具法律約束力的契據。未經重新簽立,契據不能重新公布:Barnes v Crowe (1792) 1 Ves 486。但僅僅重新簽立卻可使在沒有行為能力的情形下所制定的契據有效:Willock v Noble (1875) LR 7 HL 580。重新簽立的事實,證明立遺囑人有意使以前被撤銷的契據恢復有效: Re Perry (decd), Perry and Ezra v Perry and Anglo Jewish Assn (1930) 24 HKLR 22。另見 Ab initio; Deed; Execution; Sealing; Void。




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