

单词 Referee
释义 公證人/裁判人/諮詢人
An arbitrator; a person whose decision or opinion on a particular issue is sought. A reference may not require the consent of the parties to a dispute. The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 36 provides for a mechanism for masters to inquire and report on particular issues, provided the parties consent to such a course. This Order abridges the corresponding Rules of the Supreme Court (England), which did provide for the Official Referee’s business, particularly references to inquire and report on particular issues without requiring the consent of the parties. See also Arbitrator; Umpire.
一名仲裁員;別人向他就某特定的爭議尋求他的決定或意見的某人。轉交可以不需要爭議各方的同意。《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第36號命令規定聆案官可就特定的爭論點進行查訊及作出報告的機制,但須在取得各方的同意下。此命令削減類似的《(英格蘭)最高法院規則》,即就官方公證人任務的規定,尤其是無須各方的同意而可就特定的爭論點轉交查訊及作報告。另見 Arbitrator; Umpire。n.




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