

单词 Feme covert
释义 已婚女性
Married woman. At common law, the goods and leasehold land of a woman became her husband’s property on marriage, as did the income from her freehold land. Married women were also unable to sue in their own names. They were able to pledge the credit of their husbands for necessities, and some women had separate estates through marriage settlements: Doe dem Tugwell v Farrell (1847) 1 Legge 339. A married woman is now in the same position, as regards the acquisition, holding and disposition of property, as a feme sole: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0086]. See also Feme sole.
普通法中,女性在結婚時,其貨品及批租土地(包括永久土地的收入)即成為丈夫的財產。「已婚女性」亦不可以其本身的名字起訴。已婚女性可以丈夫的信用作為必需品的擔保,而某些女性在婚姻授產安排下享有各別產業: Doe dem Tugwell v Farrell (1847) 1 Legge 339。就收購、持有及處置財產而言,已婚女性現時跟單身女性享有同等地位:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第 [230.0086]段。另見 Feme sole。




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