

单词 Filing of documents
释义 送交文件存檔
The act of lodging documents with a court that have been accepted by the court. All originating process and pleadings, every affidavit in a cause or matter, acknowledgement of service and judgments must be filed into the court within the time as prescribed in the rules of the courts: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 12 r 1 (3), O 18 r 5A(1), O 41 r 9(4), O 42 r 5(4). Filing of documents involves the registrar of the court signing the documents and sealing them with a seal of the court and endorsing the serial number of proceedings on the documents filed. Litigants in person are permitted to file documents in person by sending them by post to the registry: O 63 r 3A(2). See also Commence proceedings; Lodge.
向法院交存並獲法院接收的文件。所有原訴法律程序文件及狀書、每一份訟案或事宜中的誓章、送達認收書及判決,均須在法院規則所規定的時限內送交法院存檔:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第12號命令第1(3)條規則、第18號命令第5A(1)條規則、第41號命令第9(4)條規則及第42號命令第5(4)條規則。送交文件予法院存檔涉及司法常務官在文件上簽署及蓋上法院的印章,並註明法律程序的編號。無律師代表的訴訟人可藉將文件以郵遞方式送交登記處而將之送交存檔:第63號命令第3A(2)條規則。另見 Commence proceedings; Lodge。




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