

单词 Abuse of power
释义 濫權
Generally, the misuse or improper exercise of a power.
Administrative law - The exercise by an administrator of a discretionary power conferred by statute or otherwise so as to exceed the scope of the power conferred. The types of abuse of power include: taking an irrelevant consideration into account; failing to take a relevant consideration into account; exercising a power in bad faith or for an improper purpose; making a decision so unreasonable that no reasonable person could have reached it; acting under dictation; or applying policy inflexibly. See also Bad faith; Judicial review; Procedural fairness; Ultra vires; Wednesbury unreasonableness.
Corporations - The exercise by a person of a power conferred on him or her for a purpose outside the purposes for which the power was granted. Such exercise is invalid. An abuse of powers distinguished from an excess of power which occurs where a person purports to exercise a power conferred on him or her but no such power has been conferred. Generally, an exercise of power which is an abuse of power is voidable, while an exercise in excess of power is void.
行政法 - 行政者超出其權力範圍以外行使法例或其他來源賦予他的酎情權。濫權的種類包括:把不相關的因素列入考慮;未有把相關的因素列入考慮;不真誠地或為了不恰當目的行使權力;作出一個不合理的決定,不合理程度為沒有合理的人會作出的;依強制施令行事;或缺乏彈性地執行政策。另見 Bad faith; Judicial review; Procedural fairness; Ultra vires; Wednesbury unreasonableness。
企業 - 某人為賦予他/她權力的目的以外的目的行使該權力。如此行使權力是無效的。濫權有別於越權,後者指某人在無獲授予某權力的情況下宣稱行使該權力。一般來說,濫權可令被行使的權力宣稱無效,而越權則令其一開始便無效。




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