

单词 Abut
释义 緊連
OF – à but - To join or border on (a piece of land) at one end. To have actual contact between part of the premises and the street, not only contact but contact of a sort which will produce some frontage which can be measured: Buckinghamshire County Council v Trigg [1963] 1 All ER 403. It is a question of fact and degree whether a piece of land could be described as abutting, for instance, on a street. A common sense approach may be taken: Lightbound v Higher Bebington Local Board [1885] 16 QBD 577 (CA). ‘Abutting’ does not require direct physical attachment: Mightystream Ltd v A-G [1982] HKLR 56 (CA); Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123). However two pieces of land cannot ‘abut’ on each other if they are within the same site: A-G & Cheng Yick Chi & Ors [1982] HKLR 39 (CA). See also Adjacent; Adjoining.
古代法語 – à but - 連接或接近(一塊土地的)一端。處所的部分與街道之間須有實際接觸,不單只是接觸,而是產生可量度的臨街地界的接觸:Buckinghamshire County Council v Trigg [1963] 1 All ER 403。這是事實及程度上的問題:一塊土地可否被稱為,舉個例子,緊連著街道。可採取利用常識的方法:Lightbound v Higher Bebington Local Board [1885] 16 QBD 577(英國上訴法院)。「緊連著」不須涉及直接的實質附連:Mightystream Ltd v A-G [1982] HKLR 56(上訴法院);《建築物條例》(第123章)。但若兩塊土地位於同一用地時,則不可能互相「緊連」:A-G & Cheng Yick Chi & Ors [1982] HKLR 39(上訴法院)。另見 Adjacent; Adjoining。v.




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