

单词 Abuse of process
释义 濫用程序
The misuse or unjust or unfair use of court process and procedure. The phrase has various legal uses.
Contempt - The misuse of the court’s process punishable as criminal contempt of court. The conduct has to amount to an offence against justice, extending its influence beyond the parties to the action: Apted v Apted & Bliss [1930] P 246. Such conduct includes the forging or altering of court documents and other deceits of like kind (altering date of jurat on affidavit) (Finnerty v Smith (1835) 1 Bing NC 649), and deceiving the court or the court’s officers by deliberately suppressing a fact, or giving false facts (fictitious indorsement of writ) (R v Weisz & Anor, ex p Hector MacDonald Ltd [1951] 2 All ER 408, 2 KB 611). See also Criminal contempt.
Practice and Procedure - A process of court used, not in good faith and for proper purposes, but as a means of vexation or oppression or for ulterior purposes, or where the process is misused or where there is undue delay. The court has the power to strike out pleadings and indorsements, stay or dismiss the action, or enter judgment as the case may be, on the ground that the pleading or indorsement or action is an abuse of the process of the court: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 19(1)(d); A-G v Charles Cheung Wai Bun [1993] 1 HKCLR 249, 3 HKPLR 62 (PC); Chan & Wilkinson, ‘Abuse of the Criminal Process’, Modern Trends in Litigation (HKLJ Ltd, 1995) 31-84. See also Frivolous and vexatious.
藐視 - 不當地使用法庭程序可因刑事藐視法庭罪而被罰。有關行為的影響須自訴訟各方伸延至訴訟本身,造成對公義的干犯:Apted v Apted & Bliss [1930] P 246。該等行為包括:偽造或更改法庭文件及其他同類欺騙行為(更改誓章上的宣誓日期)(Finnerty v Smith (1835) 1 Bing NC 649),及故意隱瞞某些事實或提供虛假事實以欺騙法庭或法庭人員(虛構告票背書)(R v Weisz, ex p Hector MacDonald Ltd [1951] 2 All ER 408, 2 KB 611)。另見 Criminal Contempt。
常規及程序 - 不誠實或不為正當目的,只作為滋擾或壓逼手段或有任何背後目的使用法庭程序,或因不當延誤而引致不當使用法庭程序。法庭有權因狀書、背書或訴訟濫用法庭程序而剔除狀書及背書、中止或取消訴訟,或視情況而定作出裁定:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第18號命令第19(1)(d)條規則;A-G v Cheung Wai Bun Charles [1993] 1 HKCLR 249, (1993) 3 HKPLR 62 (PC);Chan & Wilkinson. ‘Abuse of the Criminal Process’, Modern Trends in Litigation (HKLJ Ltd, 1995) 31-84。另見 Frivolous and vexatious。




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