

单词 Tissue
释义 組織
1. An organ, or part, of a human body, and a substance extracted from, or from part of, a human body. It includes blood, ova, semen, and foetal tissue. 2. It includes meat, offal, hair and any part of a food animal: Public Health (Animals and Birds) (Chemical Residues) Regulation (Cap 139N) s 2. See also Tissue donation.
1.指人體的器官或部分,及指從人體抽取的物質或部分物質。包括血液、卵子、精液及胚胎組織。  2. 包括食用動物的肉、內臟、毛及其任何其他部分:《公眾衛生(動物及禽鳥)(化學物殘餘)規例》(第139N章)第2條。另見 Tissue donation。n.




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