

单词 Accessory
释义 從犯
A person who aids and abets the principal offender in the commission of a crime, before and after: Stacey v Whitehurst (1865) 18 CBNS 344. To be an accessory, there must become active proceeding on the part of that person – he must procure, incite or in some other way encourage the act to be done by the principal: R v Taylor (1875) LR 2 LCR 147. One who aids, abets, counsels or procures an offence is deemed to be guilty of the offence: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 89; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Laws and Procedure [130.680]. An accessory may be called an aider, abetor, counsellor or procuror. See also Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Aid and abet; Complicity; Counsel; Principal in the first degree; Principal in the second degree; Procure.
在主犯犯罪前、中及後,協助及教唆主犯的人:Stacey v Whitehurst (1865) 18 CBNS 344。作為從犯,該人須表現出積極舉動-他必須促致、煽惑或以若干其他方式慫恿主犯作出該作為:R v Taylor (1875) LR 2 LCR 147。協助、教唆、慫使或促致一項罪行的人,即當作就同一罪行有罪:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第89條;Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第9卷,刑法及程序 [130.680]。從犯可能被稱作協助者、教唆者、慫使者或促致者。另見 Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Aid and abet; Complicity; Counsel; Principal in the first degree; Principal in the second degree; Procure。n.




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