

单词 Lease by estoppel
释义 不得廢止的租借
A lease or other interest in land created by estoppel as a result of the grantor or landlord having no legal estate or interest in the land at the time of the grant: Universal Permanent Building Society v Cooke [1951] 2 All ER 893, [1952] Ch 95 (CA). Although a title by estoppel, such as the landlord or grantor in this case possesses, is good only against the person estopped by his own deed, namely the tenant or the grantee, and imports from its very existence the idea of no real title at all, yet as against the person estopped it has all the elements of a real title: Richards v Jenkins (1887) 18 QBD 451 (CA); Fung Siu Kam & Ors v Lo Shun Cheung [1984] 1 HKC 107 (CA). A tenant who holds under a lease by deed inter partes is estopped from disputing his landlord’s title both during and after the expiration of his term unless he has been evicted by title paramount: Industrial Properties (Barton Hill) Ltd & Ors v Associated Electrical Industries Ltd [1977] 2 All ER 293, QB 580 (CA). See also Estoppel; Lease.
批租人或業主在批租時並沒有法律產業權或土地權益,因此租契或土地權益藉不容反悔而產生的:Universal Permanent Building Society v Cooke [1951] 2 All ER 893, [1952] Ch 95(英國上訴法院)。雖然藉不容反悔而取得的所有權,即業主或批租人在該種情形下擁有的所有權,只針對該名被自己行為禁止反悔的人(即承租人或獲批租人)有效,而這種租契的存在正正引入沒有真正所有權的想法,但在針對該名被自己行為禁止反悔的人,這種所有權卻有著真正所有權的一切元素:Richards v Jenkins (1887) 18 QBD 451(英國上訴法院);Fung Siu Kam & Ors v Lo Shun Cheung [1984] 1 HKC 107(上訴法院)。承租人根據當事人之間的契據形式租契持有租約的,會被禁止在他的租約期間或租約屆滿後就業主的所有權作出爭議,除非他被最高所有權迫遷:Industrial Properties (Barton Hill) Ltd & Ors v Associated Electrical Industries Ltd [1977] 2 All ER 293, QB 580(英國上訴法院)。另見 Estoppel; Lease。




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