

单词 Leave for non-joinder
释义 不合併許可
Permission of the court to rectify an omission to join a particular person as a party to a proceeding (whether as a plaintiff or defendant) who either ought to have been joined, or should be joined due to common issue of relief or remedy between himself and an original party to the action: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 15 r 6. Parties necessary for the settlement of any questions or issue relating to any relief or remedy claimed will be brought before the court: O 15 r 6(2)(b)(ii). A party may be added on application or on the court’s own motion. Where an application is made to court a supporting affidavit must be filed: O 15 r 6(3). A plaintiff must not be added unless he consents in writing: O 15 r 6(4). See also Change of parties; Joinder.
法庭批准更正不作出將某特定的人合併成為法律程序中的一方(不論是原告人或被告人的一方),不論是必須合併,或因在他與訴訟中原有的一方之間濟助或補救的共同爭議而須合併成為一方:高等法院規則(第4A章)第15號命令第6條規則。各方之間如存有任何問題或爭論點,而該問題或爭論點是由所申索的任何濟助或補救所引致,則須帶到法庭席前:第15號命令第6條規則(2)(b)(ii)。任何人可通過申請或法庭自行動議,將其加入成為一方的申請。當向法庭作出申請時,須提交支持誓章:第15號命令第6條規則(3)。未經某人以書面表示同意,不得將該人加入成為原告人:第15號命令第6條規則(4)。另見 Change of parties; Joinder。




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