

单词 Leave to defend
释义 抗辯的許可
Permission of the court to defend an action commenced against the party. In order to obtain unconditional leave to defend against a summary judgment, the defendant must satisfy the court that there are triable issues and that he has a real or bona fide defence: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 14 r 4. When assessing whether the defendant has a real defence the test is whether the assertions are believable: Ng Shou Chun v Hung Chun San [1994] 1 HKC 155. Leave to defend will be given in the following circumstances: where the amount recoverable is subject to a reasonable inquiry or account being taken (Warner v Bowlby (1892) 9 TLR 13); where the defendant raises the defence of set-off sufficient to meet the amount claimed (Warner v Bowlby, supra): Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure, [90.2483]. Conditional leave to defend will be granted where the court forms the view, on the material before it, that the defence set up is a sham defence, is shadowy or far-fetched, or that there is little or no substance in it, or that there is something suspicious in the defendant’s mode of presenting his case, or the master is very nearly prepared to give judgment for the plaintiff: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure [90.2484]. Where conditional leave is granted, the court will require the defendant to pay some or all of the money or damages claimed into court or to give security. See also Defence; Leave of the court.
法庭准許就針對某一方而展開的某項訴訟作出抗辯。為了針對簡易判決而獲得無條件的抗辯許可,被告人須使法庭信納當中有可審訊的爭議,而該人有真正的抗辯理由:高等法院規則(第4A章)第14號命令第4條規則。當評估該被告人有真正的抗辯理由,須以宣稱的可信程度作為驗證:Ng Shou Chun v Hung Chun San [1994] 1 HKC 155。在以下的情況下可給予抗辯許可:當可予追討的款額與合理的查究或所顧及的不相牴觸(Warner v Bowlby (1892) 9 TLR 13);當被告人提出抵銷的抗辯理由足以償付所申索的款額(Warner v Bowlby, 見上文): Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.2483]段。當法庭以呈交的資料形成一種看法,認為提出的抗辯理由屬虛假的抗辯,是模糊不清或牽強的,或當中只有很少或根本沒有實據,或當被告人陳述案情的方式有值得懷疑的地方,或聆案官幾乎準備向原告人作出判決,即可授予有條件的抗辯許可:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.2484]段。當法庭授予抗辯許可,法庭可規定被告人繳付向法庭申索金錢或損害賠償的一部分或全部,或提供保證。另見 Defence; Leave of the court。




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