

单词 Committee of inspection
释义 查閱委員會
1. A group of creditors and contributories or their attorneys appointed by the general body of creditors and contributories to advise and superintend the liquidator: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) ss 206, 207(1). The committee acts by a majority of its members present at a meeting: s 207(3). A committee is useful where there are many creditors and contributories, and it is inconvenient to summon frequent general meetings to approve action by the liquidator. A committee may be appointed in either a compulsory or voluntary winding up, but is not available in relation to a provisional liquidator. 2. A committee appointed by resolution at a meeting of a bankrupt’s creditors for the purpose of advising and superintending the bankrupt’s trustee: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 24. The committee is made up of not less than two members or other qualified persons appointed by court order on application by the Official Receiver or the trustee: s 100E(1), (2). The trustee in bankruptcy can obtain permission for the exercise of the powers set out in Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 61 from the committee as well as from the court or from a general meeting of the creditors: s 82(3), (4). See also Bankrupt; Creditor; Contributing shareholder; Liquidation; Liquidator; Trustee in bankruptcy; Winding up.
審查委員會 由全體債權人和分擔人任命,通知和監督清盤人的一些債權人和分擔人或他們的律師:《公司條例》(第32章)第206,207(1)條。該委員會可按出席會議的委員中過半數委員的意見行事:第207(3)條。當有許多債權人和分擔人時,一個委員會是有用的,凡召集頻繁的一般會議來批准清盤人的行動是不便的。委員會可在強制的和自願的清盤中被任命,但涉及到臨時清盤人則無法成立。2.一個為了通知和監督破產者受托人,而由破產者債權人會議決議任命的委員會:《破產條例》(第6章)第24條。在破產管理署署長或受托人的申請下,該委員會由法院命令任命的兩個成員或其他合適的合資格人士組成:第100E(1),(2)條。破產受托人可以從委員會和法院和債權人會議,獲得行使《破產條例》(第6章)規定的權力的許可。另見 Bankrupt; Creditor; Contributing shareholder; Liquidation; Liquidator; Trustee in bankruptcy; Winding up。




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