

单词 Contract of compromise
释义 妥協合約
An enforceable contract supported by the consideration of a bona fide abandonment of a substantive claim by a party in a dispute under a pre-existing contract: Wigam v Edwards (1973) 1 ALR 497. It is trite law that once a compromise is reached, it is not open to the party against whom the claim is made to avoid the compromise on the ground that the claim was in fact invalid, provided that the claim was made in good faith and was reasonably believed to be valid by the party asserting it: Ng Kuen Wai t/a Willie Textiles v Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (A Firm), CIR (HCA 7266/98, unreported). See also Accord and satisfaction; Accord executory; Consideration.
由先前合約的爭議一方真誠地放棄實質申索的代價支持的可強制執行合約:Wigam v Edwards (1973) 1 ALR 497。如提出申索的一方真誠地提出該申索,並合理地相信其為有效,妥協一旦達成,被申索一方不得以該申索事實上屬無效為由,而致該妥協無效:Ng Kuen Wai t/a Willie Textiles v Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (A Firm), CIR(高院民事上訴1998年第7266號,未經彙報)。另見 Accord and satisfaction; Accord executory; Consideration。




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