

单词 Leave of the court
释义 法庭許可
Authority obtained from a court to take particular action which would not be permissible otherwise. Leave of the court may be required in many situations, for example, service of pleadings out of jurisdiction, amendments of pleadings and applications for judicial review: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 11, 20, 53. Also known as ‘leave of court’. See also Amendment without leave; Leave to appeal; Leave to serve out of jurisdiction.
由法庭所取得的權力,以作出某特定的作為,否則在其他情況下則不獲准許。在很多的情況下,亦須法庭許可,例如在司法管轄權範圍外狀書的送達、修訂狀書及申請司法覆核:高等法院規則(第4A章)第11、20、53號命令。另稱‘Leave of court’。另見 Amendment without leave; Leave to appeal; Leave to serve out of jurisdiction。




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