

单词 Affiliation
释义 聯結
In trade and commerce, ‘sponsorship’ or ‘approval’, requiring a positive link between a supplier and another person or body. The affiliation of a registered trade union with organisations in foreign countries is permissible only if it is authorised by secret ballot of a majority of the voting members of the union present at a general meeting or the consent of the Chief Executive has been obtained: Trade Union Ordinance (Cap 332) s 45(1), (3). A registered trade union shall, within one month after becoming a member of an organisation established in a foreign country, notify the Registrar of Trade Union in writing: s 45(2). See also False representation; Sponsorship.
於貿易及商務上,「資助」或「批准」,提供者與另一人或團體必須有確實的聯繫。已登記職工會須獲得出席該職工會會員大會的大多數有表決權會員以不記名投票方式通過授權或行政長官同意,才可以與外國組織聯結成為該組織的成員:《職工會條例》(第332章)第45(1),(3)條。已登記職工會須在成為在外國設立的某組織的成員後一個月內,將此事以書面通知職工會登記局局長:《職工會條例》(第332章)第45(2)條。另見 False representation; Sponsorship。n.




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