

单词 Stock exchange
释义 證券交易所
1. Generally, an organised market for the purchase and sale of securities such as shares, stocks and bonds. It provides a convenient arrangement for institutions and individuals to invest funds in business enterprises and to liquidify those investments at any time by selling their securities in the same market. Initially, new shares are issued to members of the public and institutions; this is called the primary market. The stock exchange provides a secondary market, therefore, for the sale and purchase of securities. In Hong Kong, the recognised stock exchange is the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited. Only the recognised exchange company can operate as a stock exchange: Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571) s 19. It is restricted to take or use the title ‘stock exchange’, ‘unified exchange’ or any other title which closely resembles these titles without the authority of the Securities and Futures Commission or reasonable excuse: s 34. 2. The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and its subsidiaries. See also Stock market.
1. 概括而言,為買賣證券例如股票、證券及債券而成立的有組織的市場。 證券交易所提供予機構及個人在企業投資資金的方便安排,並可在任何時間在相同的市場籍出售其證券而變現其投資項目。新股初步向公眾人士及機構發行;這稱為初級市場。證券交易所因而提供買賣證券的二級市場。香港獲認可的證券交易所稱為香港證券交易所,是香港交易及結算所有限公司的全資附屬公司。只有獲認可的交易所公司才可營運證券交易所:《證券及期貨條例》(第571章)第19條。任何人未經證券及期貨事務監察委員會授權亦無合理辯解而採用或使用「證券交易所」、「聯合交易所」或與之相似的稱銜,即屬犯罪:第34條。 2. 香港證券交易所及其附屬公司。另見 Stock market。




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