

单词 Know-how
释义 工業知識
1. Any industrial information or techniques likely to assist in the manufacture or processing of goods or materials: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 16E(4). Information which is ‘know-how’ will not be protected by way of injunction: Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler & Ors, Fowler v Faccenda Chicken Ltd [1986] 1 All ER 617, 3 WLR 288, [1987] Ch 117 (CA). 2. In intellectual property law, for the purposes of determining whether there has been a breach of confidence, the ‘know-how’ acquired during a working career. The way in which a skilled worker does his or her job has a quality resulting from experience, which a worker is entitled to use for his or her own advancement in his or her chosen career: Pioneer Concrete Services Ltd v Galli [1985] VR 675.
1.相當可能有助於貨品或物料的製造或加工的任何工業資料或技術:《稅務條例》(第112章)第16E(4)條。凡某人須在課稅年度中就其利潤課稅,須扣除該人因購買任何工業知識的權利以供該行業、專業或業務在香港產生該利潤之用的開支,但該開支須是在該課稅年度的評稅基期內招致的:第16E(1)條。禁制令不會保護屬「工業知識」的資料:Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler & Ors, Fowler v Faccenda Chicken Ltd [1986] 1 All ER 617, 3 WLR 288, [1987] Ch 117 (英國上訴法院)。 2. 知識產權法中,指在事業過程中取得的「工業知識」,以決定是否有洩漏機密。經驗會影響熟練工人執行工作的方式,而且工人有權將其經驗用於其所選擇的事業上的晉升:Pioneer Concrete Services Ltd v Galli [1985] VR 675。




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