

单词 Knowledge
释义 知識
Cognisance of facts or truth, which may be proved affirmatively or inferred from facts and circumstances. It includes the state of mind of a person who shuts his or her eyes to the obvious: James & Son Ltd v Smee [1954] 3 All ER 273, 3 WLR 631, [1955] 1 QB 78 (DC); Westminster City Council v Croyalgrange Ltd & Anor [1986] 2 All ER 353, 1 WLR 674 (HL). Moreover, there is authority for saying that where a person deliberately refrains from making inquiries the results of which he or she might not care to have, this constitutes in law actual knowledge of the facts in question: Knox v Boyd [1941] JC 82; Westminster City Council v Croyalgrange Ltd, supra. Yet mere neglect to ascertain what could have been found out by making reasonable inquiries is not tantamount to knowledge: Mallon v Allon [1963] 2 All ER 846, [1964] 1 QB 285. A person’s knowledge includes knowledge which the person might reasonably have been expected to acquire from facts observable or ascertainable by him or her: Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) s 27(8)(a); Tam Oi Kau v Tacksen Shui Hing Godown Co Ltd & Anor [1986] HKLR 288 (HC). Knowledge may be actual or constructive: Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) ss 27(6), 27(8). See also Actual knowledge; Constructive knowledge; Notice.
察知事實或真相,該等事實或真相可從事實或環境予以肯定證明或推斷。包括某名對明顯事實蓄意逃避的人的心境:James & Son Ltd v Smee [1954] 3 All ER 273, 3 WLR 631, [1955] 1 QB 78 (英國地方法院);Westminster City Council v Croyalgrange Ltd & Anor [1986] 2 All ER 353, 1 WLR 674 (上議院)。此外,案例判定凡某人蓄意不查究與其毫無關連的後果,在法律上已構成對有關事實的實際知識:Knox v Boyd [1941] JC 82;Westminster City Council v Croyalgrange Ltd, supra。但純粹因疏忽以致沒有作出合理查究,並不相等於「知識」:Mallon v Allon [1963] 2 All ER 846, [1964] 1 QB 285。某人所知悉者包括可合理地預期該人從其可觀察或確定的事實所獲知者:《時效條例》(第347章)第27(8)(a)條;Tam Oi Kau v Tacksen Shui Hing Godown Co Ltd & Anor [1986] HKLR 288 (高等法院)。「知識」可包括實際知道或憑法律構定的知識:《時效條例》(第347章)第27(6)條、第27(8)條。另見 Actual knowledge; Constructive knowledge; Notice。n.




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