

单词 Knock for knock agreement
释义 互損免賠協議
An agreement between insurers that, in the event of an accident involving more than one insured vehicle, each insurer carries the risk in regard with the damage to the car he has insured, whoever may be legally responsible for causing the damage. It is, however, an arrangement operative only between insurers, and there is no means of enforcing it against the individual assured. Nowadays, insurers are less inclined to rely on the knock-for-knock agreements. The modern trend is for insurers to modify the terms of the agreement depending on which of the insured drivers was at fault for the accident: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 15(1), Insurance [220.398].
保險人之間的協議,就某宗牽涉多於一輛受保車輛的事件,不論何人須為造成該等損害負法律責任,每一名保險人對其承保的汽車的損害亦須承擔風險。但此等協議只對保險人之間發揮效力,而不得針對個別受保人而強制執行。現時保險人較少傾向於倚據「互損免賠協議」,現時的做法是視乎受保駕駛人中何者犯錯而修改協議條款:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第15(1)冊,保險,第[220.398]段。




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