

单词 Lien
释义 留置權
Of – loien - to bind or hold. A right at common law of a person to retain the property of another which is rightfully and continuously in his possession, as security for the performance of an obligation of the payment of a debt, until the present and accrued claims of that person as to the property are satisfied: Hammonds v Barclay (1802) 2 East 227. Lien may arise in equity, by statute, or under a court order, as a right subsisting in a person who has no possession of the property concerned but who nevertheless has a right against the owner analogous to a legal lien, for example, a solicitor in addition to his legal lien on the client’s document in his possession has a statutory right to ask the court to direct a charge on the property recovered for his costs: James Bibby Ltd v Woods (Howard, Garnishee) [1949] 2 All ER 1, 2 KB 449.
Bailment - The legal right to retain possession of a chattel until a claim is satisfied or an obligation is performed. A lien may be granted by the lienor, statute, or arise by operation of law. Generally, a custodian for reward has no lien for charges upon the chattel bailed with him. However, at common law, a worker for reward on completion of work has a lien on the chattel bailed to him for the remuneration due to him: Scarfe v Morgan (1838) 4 M & W 270. See also Bailee’s lien; Equitable lien; Lienor; Maritime lien.
Corporations - In relation to shares, a security interest over shares. Where there is an agreement or the articles of association so provide, a company may have a security interest in the fully paid shares of members who are indebted to it for calls on other shares: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.0400]; Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] 1 Ch 656 (CA). If, however, the company has already proved in the bankruptcy of the shareholder, it will not be allowed to set up a lien acquired subsequent to the bankruptcy: Re Rowe, ex p West Coast Gold Fields Ltd [1904] 2 KB 489. The lien extends to any moneys receivable by the shareholder in respect of the shares when a company is wound up: Re General Exchange Bank, Re Lewis (1871) 6 Ch App 818. A company has no lien on debts due from the beneficiaries who are not the registered holders of shares: Re Perkins, ex p Mexican Santa Barbara Mining Co (1890) 24 QBD 613 (CA).
Insurance - The right to hold the property of another as security for the performance of an obligation. In marine insurance law, the broker has a lien on the policy as against the insured for the amount of the premium and his or her charges for effecting the policy: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 53(2).
Legal practitioners - A right at common law depending on implied agreement conferring on a solicitor the right to withhold possession of the documents or other personal property of the client until costs due to the solicitor by the client are paid: Barratt v Gough-Thomas [1950] 2 All ER 1048 (CA). This form of lien is known as a ‘retaining’ or ‘general’ lien. On the other hand, since client and barrister may make no binding contract with regard to remuneration and a solicitor has implied authority to pay barristers’ fees on honorarium, barristers cannot sue for their fees, there is no reason why a barrister should not exercise a lien on papers until a fee has been paid: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Legal Practitioner [240.305]. See also Costs; Retainer; Trust money.
Real property - An equitable security interest held by one person over the property of another. A vendor has an equitable lien over the property where a purchaser acquires property without having fully paid for it, the lien is a security on the property which is enforced when the vendor fails to complete the assignment, but the lien had arisen at the earlier stage when the purchase price or any part of it was paid: Li Sze Fat v Cheng Ka Leung Tommy & Anor [2000] 3 HKC 224 (CFI). Unlike a common law lien, the equitable lien is non-possessory. The lien gives an equitable right in rem capable to be executed against the land. It is treated similarly to an equitable charge entitling judicial sale of the property if the purchaser fails to pay: Sihombing & Wilkinson A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) Ch 10 p 622. On the other hand, a purchaser obtains a lien when he pays any sum towards the purchase price of the property under contract: Combe v Swaythling [1947] Ch 625; Karex (HK) Ltd v Fortune Talent Development Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 203, 3 HKLRD 397 (CA). See also Contract; Equitable lien; Possession; Security.
舊式法語 ─ loien ─ 約束或持有。普通法的權利,作為履行債務還款義務的擔保,某人保留他合法地並持續地所管有的另一人之財產,直到該另一人清償就財產的現行及累算申索:Hammonds v Barclay (1802) 2 East 227。留置權可在衡平法上,藉法規,或法庭命令產生,並存續於就有關財產沒有管有的某人,不過該人相對於所有人而言對財產有權,即類似法律留置權,例如,律師就他管有的當事人文件,除相對於該當事人對文件具有法律留置權外,該律師另有法定權力為其訟費,要求法庭對追討得到的財產作出押記的指示:James Bibby Ltd v Woods (Howard, Garnishee) [1949] 2 All ER 1, 2 KB 449。
委託保管 - 保留對實產的管有,直到申索得到清償或義務得到履行之法律權力,留置權可由有留置權者,法規,或法律運作批出。一般來說,收取報酬的保管人就託交他的實產,不就他的收費享有留置權。然而,在普通法下,收取報酬的工人在工作完成後就託交他的實產,就他應收取的酬勞享有留置權:Scarfe v Morgan (1838) 4 M & W 270。另見 Bailee’s lien; Equitable lien; Lienor; Maritime lien。
法團 -   就股份而言,以股份作為抵押的抵押權益。凡有協議或組織章程細則有規定,一間公司可以成員的全部繳付股款的股份,作為該成員拖欠公司股份的催繳股款作抵押的抵押權益:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.0400]版; Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] 1 Ch 656(英國上訴法院)。然而,如該公司已在股東的破產案中予以證明該債項,公司不會被允許在破產後建立留置權:Re Rowe, ex p West Coast Gold Fields Ltd [1904] 2 KB 489。留置權可引伸應用於 在公司清盤後,股東就股份應收取的款項上:Re General Exchange Bank, Re Lewis (1871) 6 Ch App 818。公司就非股份登記持有人的受益人其應還公司債項沒有留置權: Re Perkins, ex p Mexican Santa Barbara Mining Co (1890) 24 QBD 613(英國上訴法院)。
保險 -   持有另一人的財產作為履行義務的抵押之權利。就海上保險法而言,保費款額和就經紀在立出保單方面的費用,經紀相對於受保人而言對保單具有留置權:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第53條。
執業律師 -   普通法權利,取決於隱含協議賦予律師扣起管有文件的權利或扣起其他當事人的非土地財產之權利,直到當事人支付所拖欠律師訟費為止:Barratt v Gough-Thomas [1950] 2 All ER 1048(英國上訴法院)。這種形式的留置權亦稱為「保留管有」或「一般」留置權。另一方面,當事人與大律師不能就報酬訂定具約束力的合約,且律師有支付大律師訟費酬金的隱含權限,既然大律師不能就訟費提起訴訟,大律師沒有理由不能行使留置權直到該訟費作出支付為止:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第17冊,執業律師,第[240.305]段。另見 Costs; Retainer; Trust money。
不動產 -   由一人持有另一人的財產作為抵押的衡平法抵押權益。買家就取得財產並未全數付清時,賣家對財產有留置權,留置權作為財產的抵押,可在賣家未有完成轉讓時,作出執行,但假如支付過買價或部份的買價,留置權在較早階段已產生:Li Sze Fat v Cheng Ka Leung Tommy & Anor [2000] 3 HKC 224 (高等法院原訴庭)。衡平法留置權不似普通法留置權乃非佔有的。留置權給予衡平法對物權並可針對土地作出執行。它被視作與衡平法押記相類似,如買家不付款可把財產作強制出售:Sihombing & Wilkinson A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (第2版)第10章第622頁。另一方面,當買家按合約支付任何買價款項,買家取得留置權:Combe v Swaythling [1947] Ch 625; Karex (HK) Ltd v Fortune Talent Development Ltd & Ors [1999] 4 HKC 203, 3 HKLRD 397(上訴法院)。另見 Contract; Equitable lien; Possession; Security。n.




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