

单词 In camera
释义 以非公開形式
Lat – privately. A hearing where the court considers it desirable in the interests of justice or in order to prevent undue hardship to any person to order specified persons or all persons except those specified to remove themselves from the court room during the whole or any part of the proceeding. Judges may exercise their inherent jurisdiction and exclude the public from the court during such part of the hearing as may be necessary and no more but a decree made in a judge’s private room is not a valid decree: Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417 (HL). Legitimacy proceedings may be heard in camera: Parent and Child Ordinance (Cap 429) s 8. In any proceedings for nullity of marriage, evidence on the question of sexual capacity must be heard in camera: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 52(3). Proceedings relating to children are usually heard in closed court, as are proceedings relating to ancillary relief.
拉丁語─ 非公開的。在法庭認為為有利司法公正或為避免任何人蒙受過度困苦的情況下,法庭可命令指定人士或所有人士(除指定者外),在聆訊的全部或部分過程中離開法庭。法官可行使其固有的司法管轄權,在有需要的聆訊部份(但不得超乎所需),禁止公眾人士在法庭旁聽,但法官在其私室發出的判令屬無效判令:Scott v Scott [1913] AC 417(上議院)。婚生地位的法律程序可以非公開形式審理:《父母與子女條例》(第429章)第8條。在任何婚姻無效法律程序中,須以非公開形式聆聽有關性能力問題的證供:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第52(3)條。通常以非公開形式審理有關兒童的、以及有關附屬濟助的法律程序。




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