

单词 Life expectancy table
释义 壽命預計表
Statistical data on mortality and the life span of men and women organised to indicate the probable number of years a given individual is likely to live. Such evidence is admissible when delivered by an expert witness. Some of the examples of the tables are Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Life Tables 1986-2011, Whiteneck paper and Ogden tables (issued in England by the Government Actuary’s Department). For example, when the medical experts gave evidence on the issue of the assessment of the multiplier of the future loss, they may estimate the life expectancy of the plaintiff with reference of the Whiteneck paper which provides data on life expectancy with a classification according to the level of injury: Lee Suk Yin, Ng Chor Man And Lee Man Tat v National Insurance Co Ltd Representing The Estate Of Ngai Chung Lit, (Dec’d) (HCPI 439/ 2000, unreported). Life expectancy tables are used by insurance companies to determine premiums. Also known as ‘actuarial table’. See also Life expectancy; Wrongful death.
有關男性及女性死亡率、生存期的統計資料,而編組成可顯示個人頗有可能會生存的年數。這樣的證據由專家證人說出,可被法庭接納為證據。壽命預計表上的一些例子實為香港統計處香港人口生命表1986-2011,Whiteneck paper and Ogden tables (由英國政府精算師部門發出)。舉例,當醫學專家就未來損失的乘數評估舉證,他們可參照Whiteneck paper對原告人的預計壽命作出估計,Whiteneck paper按受傷水平的類別,提供預計壽命的資料:Lee Suk Yin, Ng Chor Man And Lee Man Tat v National Insurance Co Ltd Representing The Estate Of Ngai Chung Lit, (dec’d) (高院傷亡訴訟2000年第439號,未經彙報)。保險公司以壽命預計表計算保費。另稱「精算師表」。另見 Life expectancy; Wrongful death。




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