

单词 Likely
释义 很可能的
Having a degree of probability greater than merely possible, but less than certain. The location of ‘likely’ on the probability spectrum varies according to the statutory context.
Criminal law - Having a substantial, real, and not remote chance of causing the result. The word ‘likely’ should be construed as meaning ‘may’, dependent on the outcome of the discovery or as meaning that there is a reasonable prospect of something happening: Dunning v Board of Governors of the United Liverpool Hospitals [1973] 2 All ER 454, 1 WLR 586 (CA). It means probable as opposed to possible. It is capable of covering a whole range of possibilities from ‘it is on the cards’ to ‘it is more probable than not’: R v Sheppard & Anor [1980] 3 All ER 899, [1981] AC 394 (HL). It excludes something which is highly unlikely: R v Wills [1990] Crim LR 714 (CA). See also Burden of proof; Likely to deceive or confuse; Probability.
刑法 -   有重大,真實及並不遙遠的機會產生結果。「很可能的」一詞應解釋作「可以」,即取決於發現的結果,或者解作某事情有合理機會發生:Dunning v Board of Governors of the United Liverpool Hospitals [1973] 2 All ER 454, 1 WLR 586(英國上訴法院)。「很可能的」意指頗有可能而不是可能。它可涵蓋由「很可能的」到「頗有可能多於沒有」的整個範圍的可能性:R v Sheppard & Anor [1980] 3 All ER 899, [1981] AC 394 (上議院)。它摒除很可能不會的某些事情:R v Wills [1990] Crim LR 714(英國上訴法院)。另見有Burden of proof; Likely to deceive or confuse; Probability。adj.




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