

单词 Affirmation
释义 確認
1.Confirmation; ratification. 2. A solemn declaration that is asserted to be true.
Contract - Where the plaintiff after discovery of the facts entitling him to rescind the contract continues to treat the contract as subsisting, he is considered to have affirmed the contract. Thereafter he cannot rescind: United Shoe Machinery Co of Canada v Brunet & Ors [1909] AC 330 (PC); North Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Hyundai Construction Co Ltd [1978] 3 All ER 1170, [1979] 1 QB 705. The affirmation must be made after full knowledge: Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218 (HL); Re Garnett, Gandy v Macaulay (1885) 31 Ch D 1 (CA). See also Election; Rescission; Waiver.
Courts and judicial system - The process by which a judgment is upheld.
Evidence - A solemn declaration by a witness or interpreter that the evidence or interpretation he or she gives will be truthful. A person, upon objecting to being sworn, will be permitted to make an affirmation instead of taking an oath where an oath is required by law: Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11) s 7(1). An affirmation is of the same force and effect as an oath in the usual form: s 7(5). If the affirmant is unfamiliar with the official language in which the affirmation is made, the affirmation will be interpreted to him by a sworn interpreter: s 8. An affirmation may be affirmed either in English or in Chinese at the option of the affirmant: s 23. An affirmation affirmed before a diplomatic or consular officer of the People’s Republic of China outside the People’s Republic of China will be as effectual as if duly affirmed in Hong Kong: s 10. The form and manner of making a solemn affirmation instead of taking an oath has been simplified and stripped of technicalities: Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11). See also Oath.
1. 確認。 2. 一個鄭重的聲明堅稱它的真實性。
合約 -   當原告人發覺事實上他有權利撤銷合約的時候,若他將合約視作繼續存在,他會被認為已確認該合約因而不能撤銷該合約:United Shoe Machinery Co of Canada v Brunet [1909] AC 330(樞密院);North Ocean Shipping Co Ltd v Hyundai Construction Co Ltd [1978] 3 All ER 1170, [1979] 1 QB 705。這確認必須是在完全知悉的情況下作出:Erlanger v New Sombrero Phosphate Co (1878) 3 App Cas 1218(上議院) (HL); Re Garnett, Gandy v Macaulay (1885) 31 Ch D 1(英國上訴法院)。另見選擇;廢除;撤銷。
法庭和司法體制 -   維護一個判決的程式。
證據   - 非宗教式誓詞  證人或傳譯員對傳譯證據的真實性作出的鄭重聲明。如任何人反對作出宗教式宣誓,而法律規定須作出宣誓,則須准許該人作出非宗教式宣誓代替宗教式宣誓:《宣誓及聲明條例》(第11章)第7(1)條。非宗教式誓詞與通常格式的宗教式誓言具有相同的效力及作用:第7(5)條。作出非宗教式宣誓的人如不諳熟作出非宗教式宣誓所採用的法定語文,則有關的非宗教式誓詞須由經宣誓的傳譯員向該人傳譯:第8條。非宗教式誓詞可按作出非宗教式宣誓的人的選擇而以中文或英文作出:第23條。任何非宗教式誓詞如是在中華人民共和國以外的地方的中華人民共和國外交官員或領事館官員面前作出,則其效力猶如是在香港作出的一樣:第10條。作出的鄭重的非宗教式宣誓(而非宣誓)的形式和方式已簡化及除去不必要的技術性:《宣誓及聲明條例》(第11章)。另見 Oath。n.




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