

单词 Affidavit
释义 誓章
A written document containing material and relevant facts or statements relating to the matters in question or issue and sworn or affirmed and signed by the deponent before a person or an officer duly authorised to administer any oath or affirmation or take any affidavit. An affidavit thus constitutes evidence on which the court can determine the matter and make an order or give a judgment. In the High Court proceedings, every affidavit must be expressed in the first person and if he is, or is employed by, a party to the cause or matter in which the affidavit is sworn, the affidavit must state that fact: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 41 r 1(4). Every affidavit must be divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively: O 41 r 1(6). It must be signed by the deponent and the jurat must be completed and signed by the person before whom it is sworn: O 41 r 1(8). Where any affidavit has been interpreted to the deponent before being sworn it shall contain a statement to that effect, state the name and address of the person who interpreted it, and be signed by him: O 41 r 1(9). Ordinarily an affidavit may contain only such facts as the deponent is able of his knowledge to prove (O 41 r 5(1)), although there are exceptions in the case of affidavits under O 14 rr 2(2), 4(2), 5(1), O 86 r 2(1), so that the deponent’s evidence would be equivalent to that which he would have to give as a witness in open court. However, an affidavit sworn for the purpose of being used in interlocutory proceedings may contain statements of information or belief with the sources and grounds thereof: O 41 r 5(2). To complete the evidence, any document to be used in conjunction with an affidavit must be exhibited to it, but must not be annexed to it: O 41 r 11. See also Affidavit evidence; Affidavit of documents; Affidavit of information and belief; Affirmation; Declaration; Deponent; Oath; Statutory declaration.
載有關乎受爭議或爭論中事項的資料、相關事實或陳述的書面文件,由宣誓人在獲得適當授權監誓或監理誓章的人士或人員席前宣誓及簽署。因此,誓章構成證據,可供法院用以判斷該事項,並作出命令或判決。在高等法院的法律程序中,凡誓章均須以第一人稱敘述,而且若該宣誓人或其僱主是該誓章所涉訴訟或事項的其中一方,該誓章必須敘明這事實:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第41號命令第1(4)條規則。誓章必須段落分明,依次編號:第41號命令第1(6)條規則。誓章須經宣誓人簽署,誓章末處由監誓人完成及簽署:第41號命令第1(8)條規則。若宣誓人為誓章進行宣誓前,曾有人向其傳譯該誓章,則誓章應述明這事實,並註明傳譯員的姓名及地址,由傳譯員簽署確認:第41號命令第1(9)條規則。通常,誓章只可載有宣誓人能夠據其所知而證明的事實:第41號命令第5(1)條規則,但就《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第41號命令第2(2)、4(2)條規則及第86號命令第2(1)條規則、第41號命令第5(1)條規則下的誓章而言,亦有例外。在該等誓章中,宣誓人提出的證據會等同其本人以證人身分在公開法庭中須作出的證供。然而,若誓章是用於非正審法律程序,則可載有資料或所信之事的陳述及該等資料的來源及所信之事的理由依據:第41號命令第5(2)條規則。為使證據圓滿,凡與誓章一併使用的文件均須附於誓章作為證物,但不得作為誓章的附件:第41號命令第11條規則。另見 Affidavit evidence; Affidavit of documents; Affidavit of information and belief; Affirmation; Declaration; Deponent; Oath; Statutory declaration。n.




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